Note fondée sur 5 évaluations de clients

Écoutez ce qu’en pensent nos voyageurs
3,2 sur 5
3,2 Propreté de la chambre
3,0 Confort de la chambre
4,0 État de l’hôtel
avis de clients DE TRAVELOCITY
Écoutez ce qu’en pensent nos voyageurs
4 sur 5
par un voyageur

Publié le 2 avr. 2023 sur Expedia
屬於旺帶地段,即使凌晨機到還是很旺,但樓下有Club和酒吧,人流較雜。 一下樓就是捷運站,超級方便!附近有食肆、按摩店、購物的地方等等。 這次住的是沒窗房,每次一開門有焗促的味道,開空調後慢慢就減退。房間燈光較暗和不夠乾爽,有冰箱、梳洗用品和拖鞋等提供。 房主和reception態度良好和回應迅速,check in過程也迅速,指示清晰,房主於入住前後都會提供適切的資訊,也會不時關心住宿期間有沒有其他需要,例如房間不夠乾爽,會建議找reception問問有沒有抽濕機可提供。
1 sur 5
par un voyageur

Ce voyageur a laissé seulement une note Publié le 28 févr. 2023 sur Hotels
4 sur 5
par un voyageur

Publié le 23 déc. 2022 sur Expedia
Quiet place but wifi didnt work even though it connected successfully. Also they gave out two wifi network ID both didnt work. Noticed some stains on toilet seat, didnt look as cleaned as I had hoped.
3 sur 5
par un voyageur

Publié le 15 nov. 2022 sur Expedia
Check in was really poorly organised and confusing. It took us 20 minutes to find the right place due to lack of branding and instructions. We were told to call the property and did so twice without getting a response. Instructions were not clearly given on how to access the room, we were told to head to 14th floor and once there it was difficult to find where the room was with small signposts that were hard to notice being the only directory. Lights were not great in the room but no complaints with the cleanliness of the place.
4 sur 5
par un voyageur


Publié le 15 août 2022 sur Hotels
Commentaires de Gestion de l’hôtel
6 sept. 2022 par 王, Gestion de l’hôtel
我們有提供耳塞 如果對聲音敏感可以備註幫您安排其他房型:) 謝謝你願意給我們機會提供你這一切,也謝謝你對我們的肯定,能帶給你好的體驗與旅程是我們樂意做的,有機會歡迎回來玩唷_